Monday, April 12, 2010


by Jillian on April 12, 2010

Do a Little at a Time. Don’t try to tackle a large paper assignment all at once. Brainstorm and work when “The spirit moves you”. Once your inspiration has ended, revise for grammatical errors but put it away, sleep on it, and add to it the next day…and so on and so forth until your paper is complete.

Limit Recreational Activities and Choose Them Wisely. School is important. You are here for a reason and this is a one-time deal. Work hard and focus on your school work because how well you do today is going to determine your place in the real world. However, it is important to relax from time to time, just be choosy about your chosen form of relaxation.
o Read a novel. This is great because it relaxes you and still engages your brain so it is a good practice or warm up for more mentally stimulating reading such as philosophy.
o Play Video Games. While video games are great for relaxing you, heightening your senses and increasing hand-eye coordination the challenge with video games is knowing when to quit because they can be habit-forming.
o Avoid Television. We’ve all grown up around a TV set but the wisest of us believe “TV rots your brain”. If you must watch it, limit the amount of time to one or two hours per day, depending on your work load. Choose programs that are educational; channels such as The Science Channel, The History Channel, Planet Green, HGTV, etc.
o Pick up a Magazine or a Newspaper.

Exercise in the a.m. Exercise is essential for everyone’s health and these days, many of us are not getting our fill. If you tend to be weight-conscious then getting the exercise out of your way early in the day will enable your mind to focus on schoolwork rather than dwelling on the amount of carbs you ate last night. Exercise is a great stress-reliever; it raises endorphins, lowers blood pressure, increases our metabolism, burns calories and builds muscle. Exercise is good for body AND mind.

Study in a Quiet Room. Don’t’ study with the TV, radio or I-pod on. You will not be able to focus as well as you can in silence. Turn your phone off or put it away to avoid texting. Remember to focus on your work; your social life can wait.

Drink Green Tea. Sure it sounds antiquated and Eastern, but Green Tea has been used for a long time for many good reasons. It is an antioxidant (which means “cancer-fighter”), it gives you a subtle boost in energy without the caffeine jitters of coffee. Green tea helps to stimulate the mind and focus your energy and it is a great tool in weight-loss.

Do Yoga. Yoga is a unique form of exercise that truly helps you concentrate on whatever tasks lie ahead of you. If you are stressed out about a big exam or a 12-page paper, yoga will calm your nerves, stimulate your senses and allow the positive scholarly energy to flow. Try it sometime—you’ll be amazed.

Reward Yourself for a Day’s Hard Work. A night out with friends, a TV program, etc. Having that reward in mind can help you get through the tough work.

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