Saturday, April 10, 2010


by Zach on April 10, 2010

Everyone comes to college with the best intentions in mind. We all want to make new friends, and good grades while having the time of our lives. Sometimes though, we are stuck having to make a decision between going out with our friends, and studying for an exam. So, how do we have a successful college career while enjoying ourselves as well?

The first step is to realize that the ultimate reason that we are in college is to get the best job that we possibly can when we graduate. Although we have to go to class and do schoolwork, it is not difficult to make A’s and B’s and have a decent social life. You meet people in class, in the hall, and when you go out, so there is no reason that you should be lacking in friendships. You should get engaged in activities on and off campus, and you and friends/classmates should study together and help each other live to your fullest abilities.

Remember that partying should never take priority over schoolwork. It is very tempting to give in when you know everyone else will be having fun and you will be sitting at a desk studying, but when it results in a good grade, you will know that staying in was the best decision. Anyone can balance school, a job, and a social life if they prioritize well. College is about making the best of yourself for your future, so make responsible decisions!

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