Saturday, April 17, 2010


By Zach on April 17, 2010
For many college students, living with a roommate in a dorm room or an apartment is one of the most difficult experiences they encounter. After all, sharing space with a friend or stranger is a new experience for most students. In addition, college is a stressful time, and the stress of final exams, homesickness, financial problems, all those other issues can exacerbate problems between roommates.

So what's a college student to do? It's worth the effort to make the best of a roommate situation, because otherwise, life is going to be a whole lot more difficult for both of you. Here are some survival tips to help you get off to a good start with your new roommate and stay there.

Choosing a Roommate
Finding a compatible roommate is not an easy task. You might get along well with someone well socially, but when it comes to living together, you might be more different than you realize. At some point (like freshman year), you'll probably have to choose between living with someone you already know and living with a random person.

Roommate Contracts
One of the smartest thing new roommates can do to minimize conflict is to write a roommate contract. This allows each roommate to articulate their expectations of each other and to negotiate points that might lead to problems. If you live in a dorm, your residence hall advisor might require you to write such a contract and may be able to give you guidance

Roommate Etiquette
Getting along with the person you live with is a challenge for just about everybody. To make it work, it's very important that roommates show each other a mutual sense of respect and politeness. At times, you may need to make a little extra effort to make sure you're treating each other appropriately

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