Saturday, April 3, 2010


by Jillian on April 3, 2010

College students are easy targets for the ills of drinking and drug use. College is a stressful time and the pressures upon the shoulders of every college student are huge. Some of us are trying to fill our big brothers’ and sisters’ shoes; some of us are trying to be the first and set an example for our younger siblings. Some of us are only children trying to make our parents proud. The structure of college classes and assignments is different from that in high school. Becoming overwhelmed with stress is an easy thing to do—especially if you’re a freshman. Other students—or even people who are posing as students—may try to tempt you with drugs or pressure you to drink.

On the drug front, people might say “it’s only pot”, but that isn’t true these days. Marijuana has been known to be laced with other drugs—the worst of them all being crystal meth. Although the stigma surrounding pot is nothing like that of heroin or crack cocaine, marijuana is still a drug. And marijuana is nothing like it was back in the ‘60’s. Marijuana can cause irreversible brain damage and lead to dementia later in life. Prolonged marijuana use can cause incurable paranoia and lead to social disorders and difficulty functioning in society.

So you don’t do drugs, eh? Great for you! But do you still drink alcohol? Alcohol may be legal but it can be extremely dangerous. Legal limits exist for a reason. In moderation, alcohol is fine—for most people. But depending on your religious beliefs or family history, you might want to avoid alcohol altogether. If you are one of those people, then find social connections with similar interests. Your peers might pressure you at parties and while you might think that looking cool in their eyes is important—it’s not. Good friends won’t pressure you to drink. Binge drinking in association with colleges and fraternities has killed many college students in the past. Don’t be one of them.
If you’re under 21, DON’T DRINK!
If you’re over 21, here’s some tips to help you stay socialized without pushing you over the edge:
o Get a designated driver! There are people all around you who don’t drink. Find one. Or take turns with your friends. One weekend it’s your turn to stay sober, supervise and drive; the next weekend it’s your friend’s turn, and so on.
o Avoid shots at all costs. Politely say “I don’t do shots” if pressured. Wait until the night rolls in, observe the people who did the shots and you’ll be glad you didn’t.
o Avoid hard liquor altogether.
o Don’t set your drink down and never accept an opened drink from a stranger. The date-rape drug is still out there and there are still people sick enough to use it. If you wake up naked in a strange place and can’t remember anything after that last drink, then you’ve been date-raped. If this happens to you, go see your doctor immediately and report the culprit to the police.
o Know your limits. Many people can’t drink whiskey at all because it changes their personalities and they can become violent. Vodka has been known to do the same thing for others. Tequila can also be very risky. Drink it in a margarita rather than a shot.
o The standard rule is one drink per hour. “One drink” is equivalent to one 1 ½ ounce shot, one 12 oz. beer, one 5 oz. glass of wine or one mixed drink (with only an ounce and a half of liquor in it—so don’t let the bartender make them strong for you. She is not your friend. She is not trying to help you. She wants your money, and the drunker she gets you, the more likely you are to hand it over to her).
o If you must drink in order to socialize or you have to drive later then your best bet is to follow a few simple rules:
-- Make sure that you’ve eaten that day. Drinking on an empty stomach spells disaster: puking all over your friends’ cars, walking around naked, you name it.
-- Always stick to beer or wine.
-- Be aware of the time and count your drinks. Remember: “One drink per hour”.
-- If you feel you’ve had too much, call it quits. Have a soda or a glass of water. Eat some greasy food (fat absorbs alcohol). Get some fresh air and sober up.
-- If you’re not sure, call a friend or a cab, or someone else whom you trust (such as a parent) to drive you home.

The bottom line is that you don’t need to drink or do drugs to be cool. Partying can lead to all sorts of disaster: getting kicked out of school, failing classes, getting pulled over, arrested, fired, put into rehab or worse. Your life is precious! Take care of it, and you’ll be glad that you did.

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